4 Old Park Lane, London, W1K 1QW
Mon-Fri 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
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Sloane Cleaning Services>Computer & Telephone Equipment

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Computer and Telephone Equipment

Prevent Office Illness with Excellent Hygiene

Workstation hygiene is undeniably important, but while many would agree that colds and flu bugs get passed around the office all too readily, how many take the necessary precautions to make sure bacteria and viruses are kept to a minimum on important office equipment?

Sloane Cleaning Services provide this important hygiene service as part of our daily cleaning routine. We sanitise office electrical equipment including:

  • Telephones
  • Computers
  • Keyboards & Mice
  • Photocopiers
  • Scanners
  • Fax Machines
Office Cleaning Services in London
Why computer and telephone equipment requires regular cleaning

When hygiene measures are not put in place any contact surface can collect particles from saliva, coughs, sneezes and unwashed hands, becoming a breeding ground for infectious disease. Naturally, these germs can be quickly passed on from person to person, and the problem is especially concerning in hot-desking areas and at workstations where lunch and snacks are consumed.

Keep office productivity and staff well-being high by engaging Sloane Cleaning Services to keep your workstations and electronics hygienic on a daily basis.

Please contact our friendly customer service team at Sloane Cleaning Services today via our contact form to discuss this service.

Or you can call us on 020 7584 6500 or email us at info@sloanecleaning.co.uk for more information.